Tuesday, September 15, 2015

see you again

such a dramatic title I got up there. HAHA. 
hello fellas.. how do you do? 

as for me, life have been wonderful so far..you know, sometimes I did think of deleting my blog cause I didn't have that much time to write since I've been away from home to further my studies.. but when I think about it deeply and seriously, I didn't have that courage to delete this blog of mine.. cause there's so much story of my life in it and I thought that I could read it back someday and refresh my memories by reading my post here..and oh yes, I'm on my way to pursuing my studies to get that title of Bachelor in Industrial Biotechnology (Hons.). perhaps after that, I'll still be continuing my studies until I get my Phd. insyaAllah. please pray for me dear readers. 

Yes, for your information, I did pursue my studies here in Universiti Malaysia Pahang. why Pahang? I didn't know what else to say besides those cliche' words like it's my fate made by The Almighty.
I did get the offer from University of Malaya (UM) but I had to reject it because of some reasons that I'd like to keep it in private and I didn't want to elaborate much. Some of you might said that it's stupid of me for rejecting the offer from UM but hey! it's my decision you have no rights to say.
I also get the offer from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) but they offer the course which is located in Kelantan Campus . I've had a very bad memories in Kelantan and besides that, Kelantan is so far away from my home which is located in Selangor so that's why I decided not to go there. 

I've been a student of UMP since 30th of August 2015 and so far, life have been hectic but fun at the same time. The Orientation for the freshmen been held for a week and they called it as MINDS which referring to Minggu Induksi Siswa. Most of my lecturers here is as much fun and friendly just like the lecturers in my Matriculation Programme (KMK). so yeah.. I started to fall in love with UMP. but there's so much different of studying in UMP as comparison of studying in KMK and that major different is that, I've got plenty of foreigners in my Calculus Class. Most of them came from Yaman. and there's also a foreigner in my Biochemistry Class and she came from Syria but she lives in Abu Dhabi. so yeah that's the major different HAHAHAH..

you know I'm going to sit for ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST (EPT) on 19th of September 2015. It literally did scares the hell out of me. but luckily there's no Speaking test like MUET. HAHAHA..
SO that's all I guess for now. see you again readers. toodles!

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